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to unburden oneself to sb

  • 1 unburden

    /ɳn'bə:dn/ * ngoại động từ - cất gánh nặng, làm cho nhẹ bớt; dỡ (hàng) - (nghĩa bóng) bày tỏ nỗi lòng, bộc lộ tâm tư =to unburden one's soul to a friend+ bộc lộ tâm tư với bạn =to unburden oneself to+ bộc lộ tâm tình với (ai)

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > unburden

См. также в других словарях:

  • unburden oneself — relieve oneself of anxiety or distress through confiding in someone. → unburden …   English new terms dictionary

  • unburden — ► VERB 1) relieve of a burden. 2) (unburden oneself) be relieved of a cause of anxiety or distress through confiding in someone …   English terms dictionary

  • unburden — v. 1) (B; refl.) he finally unburdened himself to his family 2) (D; refl.) to unburden of (to unburden oneself of a secret) * * * [ʌn bɜːdn] (B;refl.) he finally unburdened himself to his family (D; refl.) to unburden of (to unburden oneself of a …   Combinatory dictionary

  • unburden — verb relieve of a burden. ↘(unburden oneself) relieve oneself of anxiety or distress through confiding in someone …   English new terms dictionary

  • unburden — [unbʉrd′ n] vt. 1. to free from a burden 2. to relieve (oneself or one s soul, mind, etc.) by revealing or disclosing (something hard to bear, as guilt) …   English World dictionary

  • unbosom oneself — unburden oneself. → unbosom …   English new terms dictionary

  • unburden — transitive verb Date: circa 1538 1. to free or relieve from a burden 2. to relieve oneself of (as cares, fears, or worries) ; cast off …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • unburden — /ʌnˈbɜdn/ (say un berdn) verb (t) 1. to free from a burden. 2. to relieve (one s mind, conscience, etc., or oneself) by disclosure or confession of something. 3. to cast off or get rid of, as a burden or something burdensome; disclose; reveal.… …  

  • unburden — v.tr. 1 relieve of a burden. 2 (esp. refl.; often foll. by to) relieve (oneself, one s conscience, etc.) by confession etc. Derivatives: unburdened adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • disclosure — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Bringing to light Nouns 1. disclosure, divulgence, unveiling, revealing, revealment, revelation; exposition, exposure, expose; whole truth; telling (see information); acknowledgment, admission,… …   English dictionary for students

  • объясняться — ОБЪЯСНЯТЬСЯ1, несов. (сов. объясниться), чем. Становиться (стать) понятным, очевидным, обнаруживающим причину, источник чего л. непонятного [impf. to be explained (by), be motivated (by), be the reason (why); * to be accounted for (by); * to be… …   Большой толковый словарь русских глаголов

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